

All sorts of puzzles for all sorts of people! 

We want to spread the love of jigsaw puzzles, while also highlighting the diverse humans who make, sell, and assemble them. We believe that representation is important, so specifically seek out puzzle companies to celebrate that are owned by those that don't get the limelight as often as they should. 


Janell Amely

Hi! I'm Janell, and along with my 3(+1) cats, we make up 3 Cat Max! I love to work within the medium of puzzles to create new and intrigueing art puzzles -- many layered, brightly colored, and different materials. I love to cackle evilly over the shoulder of anyone having a difficult time assembling one of my puzzles, and celebrate with them when they place that last piece! 

Not only am I one of the Founders of Puzzle Jam South, but I also volunteer my time on the Puzzle Parley Steering Committee as website and registration coordinator, past PEPE organizer, and picker-upper of lots of random tasks that need to be done when planning a big event. All that experience and more will be brought to make PJS a grand puzzle gathering that is fun for everyone! (And did you know that I'm also a USMC vet? 😉)

Terra Rodgers

I am the owner of Chestnut And Hemlock, where I sell mainly puzzles, but also my hand turned bowls, wooden toys, and carved spoons. I’ve been hand cutting puzzles for about 5 years. I love to cut tiny, tricky pieces and challenge the assumption that jigsaw puzzles are flat!

I also collect and research Pastime Puzzles which were made in the US between 1908 and 1958. I’m trying to learn how to repair puzzles, but it’s much harder and laborious than it would seem. A project that I spearhead is the USA Puzzle Makers Index, gathered by me with the help of the Facebook puzzling community.

Big Thanks to 2023's PJS Planning Crew members Jamie Ambabo and Diane Bizzle! Without their help we wouldn't have been able to pull off such an amazing event.